Adopting a pet in need is a wonderful thing. Not only are these animals given the chance to lead happy and fulfilling lives, they also enrich the lives of those who adopt them. Here are just a few ways in which adopting a pet can change your life for the better.
Saving a Life
One of the best things about adopting a pet is the rewarding feeling you get for having saved a life. Each year, New Zealand’s 46 SPCA centres nationwide receive over 60,000 animals. Knowing you have played a part in rescuing one of these animals is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Taking an animal out of a bad situation and giving them a loving home not only makes you feel great, but it brings immeasurable joy to your new pet, some for the first time in their lives.
A New Best Friend
Finding a new and beloved companion is one of life’s greatest joys. Many adopted pets have had difficult lives, lacking love and support. By rescuing a pet and showing them this love and support, they can transform from shy animals to ones that are overwhelmingly loyal and affectionate. To many shelter pet owners, there is nothing more special than snuggling on the couch with their new companion, comfortable in the knowledge that they have created a special and lasting bond together.
Many shelter pets are mixed breed. When you adopt a young shelter pet, it can be difficult to know just what you might end up with when they are fully grown. Many adopters have remarked on the comments they receive as their pets grow, receiving compliments about their pet’s cuteness and unique features.
A Reason to Explore
Pets are great in that they give us a reason to leave the house and experience the great outdoors. Many shelter pets have not had this chance and when they are adopted, have a tremendous will to explore and discover the wonder and beauty of the world. Sharing this discovery with a shelter pet is a beautiful thing. Not only do you grant your new companion these experiences, you also get to leave your comfort zone and become more active and inquisitive yourself. Weekend hikes, trips to the beach and even just walks to the local dog park are great ways to let off steam, immerse yourself in nature and meet lots of new two and four-legged friends together.
Teaching A Child
Lastly, adopting a pet can provide valuable lessons in kindness and compassion for a young child. Growing pets need love, support and assistance. Involving a child in this process can help to teach them the importance of caring, of being loving and gentle and an understanding of the level of care required to raise a living thing. Many studies have shown that children who grow up with pets have increased empathy and compassion toward others.
These are just a few of the ways in which adopting a shelter pet can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. To learn more about the adoption process and how you can find a new furry companion of your own, visit the SPCA website here.