

3 min read

While fireworks can add a lot of fun and excitement to a celebration, the bright flashes and loud noises can make it a scary time for our pets.

Check out these top tips from the SPCA on how to keep your pet safe, calm and out of harm’s way when you or those around you are celebrating with fireworks.

  • Stay home with your pet – they will be less stressed with someone they trust close by.
  • Keep them indoors – they won’t see the flashes and the bangs will be muffled. Close doors and windows and draw the curtains. Turn up the volume on your radio or TV to help drown out loud bangs with familiar sounds.
  • Make sure that your cat or dog has somewhere safe and comforting to hide such as an igloo, box, crate or somewhere they feel safe to retreat to.
  • Put a collar and registration tag on your dog. Both cats and dogs should be microchipped and have a collar and identification tag with your contact details on it. If your pet panics and runs away, it will help rescuers reunite you. 
  • Comfort your pet – This could mean cuddling them if it helps or giving them space, depending on what your pet needs. Try to behave in a calm and reassuring manner. Take special care of elderly or nervous pets and if you know that your pet gets very stressed when fireworks are being let off then consult your vet for advice on keeping them calm.
  • Move horses and farm animals away from fireworks – and make sure all fences are secure. Stable horses where possible.
  • Never punish your pets when they are scared – This will only make their fear and stress levels worse.
  • Play music to mask the noise.
  • Try a compression wrap.
  • Exercise your dog early in the day to avoid being out in the dusk and fireworks.
  • Consider the use of ADAPTIL for dogs and FELIWAY for cats that are nervous.
  • Don’t forget small pets like rabbits, guinea pigs or  chickens. Have them tucked away or even inside for the night.
  • Keep in mind that for some animals this is a real phobia and should be treated with medication they should speak to their vet for options before the fireworks start.

Share these tips with your family and friends and let’s do our bit to keep our pets safe, happy and out of harm’s way.