Will bringing pets to work bother people’s pet allergies?

This shouldn’t be a big problem as long as employees take responsibility for their pets’ grooming and clean-up.

This shouldn’t be a big problem as long as employees take responsibility for their pets’ grooming and clean-up. If a pet is clean and his coat is cared for regularly, he’ll be less likely to trigger allergies. Being diligent about cleaning up pet hair or any other pet-related messes can also help reduce allergies. This extends beyond the employees to a workplace’s cleaning regimen, so make sure vacuuming happens regularly and that air filters are installed in the building to help keep air clean.

If there are still concerns about allergies, try enforcing limits to where pets can go. If they can’t be restrained in an office or in a contained area, designate pet-free zones. We suggest keeping pets out of conference rooms, collaboration spaces, bathrooms, and dining spaces.