How can the trip to work be comfortable for a cat?

Owner to follow 3 steps before bringing cat for whole day. 1. Crating 2. Car ride 3. Workplace for short periods of time. Once cat is comfortable then can consider the whole day.

Car rides can be difficult for cats. You may need to have three steps and get your cat used to each one before she can complete a whole day at work.

  1. Get her used to traveling in a crate or travel carrier by putting a treat inside and carrying her throughout the house.
  2. Get her used to riding in the car inside her crate or carrier by taking several rides.
  3. Bring her to the workplace for short periods of time.

Once she starts to feel comfortable with the process, you can try a whole day. If your cat objects to these three steps, she might prefer to stay home and snooze while you work.

When you do bring your cat to work, make sure you bring a litter box, as well as familiar objects (toys, a blanket) with her scent on them. These objects can help put her at ease.