Adoption Success Stories


Stevie and Louis were just six weeks old when their owners taped them into a cardboard box and left them for dead. Thankfully, a little girl and her dad stumbled upon them just in time and brought them to safety at the SPCA. The SPCA Vet who treated them was shocked when he first saw them. Stevie and Louie were very underweight and dehydrated and had painful infections in their eyes. The infection in Louie’s eyes responded to antibiotics and cleared up in a couple of days, but sadly Stevie’s didn’t, and she needed surgery to remove one of her eyes. When Stevie recovered, she and Louie went to stay with an SPCA foster family, who fell in love with the pair right away and knew they wanted to adopt them. This sweet pair now get to cosy up by the fire, hang out with their dog brother Sam, and play with endless amounts of ribbon and string!


Lulu arrived at the SPCA heavily pregnant and sadly fell sick after having her litter of kittens. But the SPCA gave her all the love and care she needed to grow big and strong, and eventually the whole family was adopted to loving homes! Lulu is now called Max, and her new family have said that she has settled in fast and is very tolerant of her two-legged brothers. According to Max’s new family, she has a crazy walk after she wakes up, which leaves them all in laughter. They also love how she is keen to explore her surroundings, inside and outside, but always comes home to them.


JT, the gorgeous golden retriever cross, was found wandering the streets in January. He became an instant favourite at the SPCA, with a beautiful and friendly nature, it was no surprise he found a loving home only after a few weeks. On his first car ride home he lay in the back seat with his head in his new mum’s lap, and after a lap of the garden he had lunch with the gang. That weekend JT was introduced to the beach for the first time and he realised he could paddle in the water! His new family says that he has well and truly settled in, he knows all the routines such as where to line up for breakfast, what to do when the cars are backed out, and when it’s playtime. JT gets to go on loads of adventures. He loves to follow his canine companions through the forest, along the beach, and his dad says that the look on his face when he is splashing about in water holes is pure satisfaction. JT’s new family say they love him dearly and they are so glad to have found each other.


Rosie was brought to the SPCA on New Year’s Day. From the beginning Rosie was deemed as a little bit special. When she first arrived she was very unhappy and not too keen on people’s affection, however the feline team made sure Rosie was given lots of love, pats and treats various times a day. She eventually learned people were not as bad as she had thought and became the most loving and smoochy cat. When Rosie’s new dad met her for the first time, they instantly became best friends. After adopting her he realised that she was indeed a beautiful and special soul as initially suspected. Rosie is now living happily in her new home forever and ever.


Reggie was surrendered to the SPCA by his owner as they weren’t in a position to provide him with the stimulation he needed. When Reggie first arrived he was quite shy and reserved. It took the team at the SPCA a while to get to know him and patiently gave him time to build his confidence. But as soon as Reggie made some doggie friends and got into the daily enrichment routine, he quickly adjusted to life at the SPCA. Due to Reggie’s obsession with tennis balls and ability to learn quickly, staff at the SPCA thought he may be a good candidate for Aviation Security Services. Dogs like Reggie have amazing potential and are often too energetic for the average family home. Reggie has excelled in his training at airport security, and they can’t believe how well he is doing. It has been said that dogs like Reggie only come along 1 in every 60.


Teddy was born to a long-term stray mum, and lived on the streets with his family until a kind person brought them to the SPCA last November. He spent a month growing big and strong and finally found his forever home just before the New Year. Teddy’s new family say he is sleek like a seal, he loves to sprint from tree to tree in the backyard, and his favourite position is stretched out on his beloved green chair. But Teddy’s confidence and determination have also got him into some trouble. One day Teddy’s family heard him meowing and discovered him at the top of the cabbage tree. His family had to climb up a ladder to get him safely to the ground, only for Teddy to climb back up and get stuck again!


Selena was living on the streets, fending for herself and her litter of puppies too. Thankfully the SPCA found the family, filled their tummies with food and gave them a safe place to sleep. Soon after, Selena’s puppies were big enough to find new homes, but it wasn’t until six months later that she got her second chance. During her stay at the SPCA she impressed everyone with her agility skills and zest for life, described by the canine team as the sweetest girl who gave the best cuddles. Selena is now called Sal, and her family explains that she has settled in like a duck to water. They have made Sal’s dreams come true, giving her a cosy bed to sleep in, lots of cuddles, and unconditional love for the rest of her happy and healthy life.


Boston was just five weeks old when he was found infested with fleas outside a day-care centre. Boston spent a month at the SPCA, bunking with a friend who would watch over him while he napped. His new family describes him as the best little kitten who loves to play and cuddle, and say they would be lost without him now.


Four-year-old Lucy was a much loved cat, but had to come to the SPCA when her devastated owner could no longer afford to care for her. Lucy was at the SPCA for a little while, waiting patiently for a new forever home. When her new family visited they took one look at her and knew she was the one for them! They say she is the joy of their lives, and that they couldn’t be happier! Lucy is a very happy cat in her new home. She is thrilled to stretch out on her new couch, climb under the duvet, and play with all of her toys!  


After being rescued by an SPCA Inspector, it was 3 long months before Reynold found his forever home. Reynold is now called Reni, and despite not having the best start to life, he loves people, cuddles and has bucket-loads of love to give. His new family has said that he has made a new doggie friend next door, and they have daily playdates. He also hates sleeping anywhere else but the bed! Reni is still building confidence every day but thankfully has a loving home to support him.

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